Conservation is not a political issue. It's a survival issue!

Petitions - Get Involved!

One effective form of activism involves supporting petitions that remind our legislators and/or mainstream media, of what's vitally important...letting them know that the People are standing to defend the ecoystem that is required for continued life! We hope you'll sign these petitions and share them with others.


Save the bees

We are working to save the bees - from asking Amazon to stop selling bee-killing pesticides to sharing bee-friendly garden tips - and you can help.

Bees play a crucial role in our lives. But as our society uses more pesticides, their populations are plummeting. Fortunately, we know how to help them: protecting already-existing bee habitat, expanding habitat by planting pollinator-friendly plants in our own gardens and on public lands, and ending the worst uses of the pesticides that are killing them. Together, we can save the bees.

Current campaigns to save our bees - especially the wild native bees that need our help the most!


Forests Need Help to survive

Keeping our forests healthy, whole and wild.

The trees that make up our forests are some of the oldest living things on Earth, many of them older than America itself. These forests provide crucial habitat for thousands of species. They provide limitless opportunities for recreation, exploration and wonder. What’s more, our forests absorb and store carbon dioxide, which makes them crucial allies in our race against climate change. Together we can protect our forests from road-building, logging, development and other threats.

Oregon and Pacific Northwest focused Petitions from Environment America!