Oregon Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife can be defined as non-domesticated animals and their associated habitats. Although wildlife species are respected and appreciated by those who work to protect them, the primary driving force of this effort is an ecological concern.If for no reason other than his own preservation, man must be mindful of his dependence on a balanced, self-sustaining, and viable ecosystem. There is no major change to a region that can be safely accomplished without learning first how it will affect the natural flora and fauna of that region as well as the life elsewhere that depends upon its stability for survival. This 'chain' of life is complex and far-reaching.
Past development, that was begun with the goals of promoting progress and raising the standard of living for citizens, but without adequate environmental impact assessments, has already been the cause of harm that affects man. For example, failing to adequately study potential damage when planning dam projectcs resulted in serious impact to chinook salmon and steelhead trout. The ongoing removal of such dams is of great concern to many, however, this issue goes far beyond 'just saving a couple of fish,' as some lament. The direct impact on consumers of necessary restrictions of fisheries cannot be denied even if we are unaware of the ecological need to preserve seals and orcas.
A healthy ocean sustains life on this planet.
Land, air, and water are absolutely essential for life.
These basic principles include and directly affect man.
Scientists have warned for many years that our ecology's balance, and therefore health, is at risk. Think of it as a web - a tremendously complex web of life, with each species performing its essential part in sustaining the whole. Remove enough strands of that web and the entire ecosystem will collapse.
We must not allow the contentious divisions that cripple our nation today to divert our attention. This is not a conservative issue. This is not a liberal issue. This is no less than protecting all our futures.
The question is, what can each of us do to to help? Take advantage of scientific study results so readily available today on the Internet. Become aware of known threats to the ecosystem. Learn more and use that knowledge - contact legislators and news media, minimize our own individual footprint, and most importantly...teach others!